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Be your own Hero

Updated: Oct 25, 2021

From time to time, there may be a little internal voice telling us to 'doubt' ourselves. It may be there right now. For myself as an artist, and to be honest, as a human! an inner critic sometimes compares to others and has self doubt, as well as thoughts of;

  • We aren't capable of success

  • We are not good enough

  • Comparing to other artists

  • Doubting any creative ability

  • Feeling like we can't get ahead in life

  • Feeling small and insignificant

Maybe you can relate to this? When you think about what your "inner critic" voice says to you, what ideas is it putting into you mind?

So in listening and believing these ideas that the inner critic has to say about us, we don't get the opportunity to realise that we are actually incomparable, and those doubts do nothing but keep us closed. We don't slow down enough to really challenge these thoughts and realise that it's not possible to ever be the same as everyone else, nor would we really want to be, and we are much more than what is being said. Basically those thoughts are not true.

So with a background in teaching Meditation, there's this little internal exercise I would like to share with you. It's similar to meditation, yet different in the sense that the focus is not on deep relaxation. This time, the focus is on a state of attention, enough to use your imagination and inspiration.

It only takes a few minutes, so you can do this right now if you'd like! or come back to it at any time when your ready. This internal exercise is inspired by Gerald Epstein, MD. who is a physician that has been a pioneer in the use of mental imagery for recovery in chronic illnesses.

Let me know in the comments how you go!

Warmest, Sis X

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