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Winner of the Peoples Choice Award 2022

I’m stunned and so grateful that; I WON this award for 2022🎉

For everyone that visited The Space Gallery and Workshops in Geelong and voted for my work in the people’s choice award, THANKYOU.

This is the very first Art award received, and will be my very first solo exhibition in over 25 years of painting and drawing. Actually I lie! I won people’s choice award in grade 6 for the commonwealth bank drawing comp and received $10 in a youth saver account. 🤷‍♀️

This current style on fabric started only a year ago, so I think I’ll be focusing more on developing this, as I’ve found the style of Art work that I am completely in love with.

To The Space - Gallery + Workshops and Mandy Dollery….Thankyou so much! Not only for the experience, but your kindness and support. Forever thankful for meeting you last year.

Here’s to next January! Time to get to work!


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